Whiteboard markers don’t work?

Whiteboard markers don’t work?

Whiteboard markers don’t work? Recently we have had lots of puzzled people calling us and saying “Whiteboard markers don’t work?” However we think we may know the answer to ‘Why have my whiteboard markers or dry eraser markers stopped...

Our Silverkote® process

What is Silverkote®? After much research and development, trial and error, tears of frustration, we have a painting process which we have called Silverkote®. In keeping with our name Silverscreen Designer Glassboards. We hope that this doesn’t mislead you into...
Partition Walls – Glass Whiteboards

Partition Walls – Glass Whiteboards

Glass Whiteboards for your Glass Partition Walls Would you like a glass whiteboard for your glass partition walls? Here is an example of what we have done for an office. A sleek addition to any room which blends in seamlessly with its surrounding decor. Our glass...