Glass door policy at SilverScreen Glass Whiteboards …

This is our wonderful Elaine’s success story posted at Jobs on The Coast 

Elaine’s Story

“After moving to Australia ten years ago and staying at home to raise my 3 children, I felt it was my time to return to the paid workforce.  I joined a number of job websites, applying for numerous positions advertised both here on the Central Coast as well as in Newcastle and North Sydney.

Shortly after the July school holidays, I applied for a part-time admin position that was advertised on the Jobs On The Coast website. At the time the advertised position required someone for a few hours a day Mon to Thurs, something I felt would be ideal for me.

I was contacted by a member of Jobs On The Coast team on the Wednesday asking me if I could attend an interview on the Friday but this call was followed up by a much more detailed call from Tim from JOTC on the Thurs. He made a point of asking what I wanted from a job, very much getting an idea about me, what I wanted and telling me about SilverScreen Glass Whiteboards, what they were looking for and informing me that he would be in on the interview.

Following a successful interview in which the owners Patti and Iain outlined their vision for the company and the role the admin position would have in its growth, I was offered the job. What struck me was how Patti and Iain went out of their way to accommodate me and my family position. They wanted me to start work with a clear head and unstressed by the morning ritual of getting kids out to school and to this day are still very supportive that way. It certainly makes me want to come to work if I know I can get there no matter what Monday morning obstacles are put in my way.

SilverScreen Glass Whiteboards promotes and encourages an attitude of honour and integrity in their products, their business acumen and amongst their staff. Patti and Iain’s belief in their products carries through into their behaviour towards their customers, their suppliers and their staff.  Whether you are an online customer ordering a single glass whiteboard for personal use or a multi-national company ordering in bulk, you will be given the same personal service.

For the 2 months that I have been here I feel very much a part of the company, getting on well with all the staff who have been very welcoming and helpful.  I have been able to put into practice my admin experience, coming up with solutions to problems or just improving on what was already here. I have been able to take some of the paperwork from the Factory Manager allowing him to get on with creating glass whiteboards. Patti and Iain are already offering to provide me with a more permanent and increased role within the business, a company that I hope has the chance to grow and expand.  I am very grateful to Patti and Iain for giving me the opportunity here at work to not only improve my administration skills but also to gain back confidence in myself. I hope I can provide SilverScreen Glass Whiteboards with the help needed to turn Patti and Iains’ dream into a reality.”


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